March 21st, 2007 by pet
Of course you have all seen these..
This is from a dear friend who said..
I am appalled and embarrased that these people are citizens…. they have forgotten that the American soldier is the one that allowed them to protest …. A very sad event…
Then from the Gathering of Eagles in DC last saturday comes this image..
compare and think…

Posted in NOT TO BE BELIEVED, Semi-Political | No Comments »
January 9th, 2007 by pet
By Heidi Thiess at Euphoric Reality
The incursion into U.S. territory last week by “Mexican gunmen†was not a chance confrontation between the Arizona National Guard and untrained illegal immigrants, but a deliberate “perimeter probe†by an infantry-trained, uniformed Mexican force, officials say.
Euphoric Reality has learned in exclusive interviews with high-ranking sources within both the Arizona National Guard and the U.S. Border Patrol that the incident the mainstream media calls a “standoff†was in reality a military-style operation, carried out by a unit of Mexican troops dressed in military uniforms, flak jackets, and armed with AK-47s in an apparent operation to probe the border defenses and test the limits of the National Guard troops. Using easily recognizable infantry movement tactics (such as arm and hand signals and flanking maneuvers), the Mexican unit deliberately moved in a military formation across the border from Mexico, while under surveillance by the National Guard and Border Patrol.
As the hostile force moved north over several hours, deeper into Arizona, National Guardsmen wearing night vision goggles were able to ascertain that the approaching gunmen were indeed uniformed (including PAGST helmets) and heavily armed. When the Mexican unit came within approximately 100 yards of the EIT site, the Guardsmen repositioned themselves in order to maintain surveillance and tactical advantage. They observed the Mexican unit sweep through the EIT site, and then rapidly withdraw back into Mexico. No shots were fired by either the Mexican gunmen or the Guardsmen. Border Patrol was on the scene within minutes of the Mexican unit’s withdrawal.
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Posted in Illegal Immigration, Semi-Political | Comments Off
November 27th, 2006 by pet
H/T with thanks to Jay at StopTheAclu
The National Commander of The American Legion called on Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) to apologize for suggesting that American troops would not choose to fight in Iraq if they had other employment options.
“Our military is the most skilled, best-trained all-volunteer force on the planet,†said National Commander Paul A. Morin. “Like that recently espoused by Sen. John Kerry, Congressman Rangel’s view of our troops couldn’t be further from the truth and is possibly skewed by his political opposition to the war in Iraq.†Read the rest of this entry »
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