Mar 10 2008

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M~Cat Monday~SonnyBob Sicky

Posted at 10:12 am under Critters

Poor SonnyBob has a cold, sneezing, snotty and is just feeling a bit punky.
He did manage to eat his stinky goodness this morning, so I feel better about that.
He is the littlest of the Bengal Brats, and has seen the vet more often than all the other critters together.

He is snoozing on his cat tree, enjoying or more likely basking in the brilliant sunshine we have been blest with today..

Its the flu mom

Tigger is on the front page at M-Cats club today, cause he had a birthday on friday!
He thinks he is pretty cool…
For all cat news,happening and some just good stuff drop by TheCatBlogosphere.

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