Archive for February 28th, 2008

Feb 28 2008

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Cold and Getting Colder!

Filed under Critters, Florida

We live in the “Sunshine” state and we are spoiled rotten by mostly beautiful weather.
We do manage to complain about with the heat and humidity most of the summer.

Today, we would like a bit more heat.A little less shivering. It is 29 here at 6am.

Todays forcast: Mostly sunny. Highs in the upper 50’s. North winds 5 to 10 mph. Lowest wind chill readings around 20 in the morning.

cuddle for warmth

Tigger and SonnyBob enjoy a cuddle istead of a Bap! for a change.

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Feb 28 2008

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They Called It Puppy Love

Filed under Critters, Dogs

Puppies love puppies toys
Loli loves this squeaky toy.. She carries it wherever she goes..

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Feb 28 2008

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Night Visitor

Filed under Critters, Florida

We had a late nite visitor, can you say ugly? This possum stole the outside cat food, and tried to hide behing a bird house when I let Loli out..
Errr. nice fangs there possum!

butt uggly

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