Archive for December 31st, 2007

Dec 31 2007

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Poofy Mancat Monday

Filed under ManCat Monday

With most of the kids home for a few days, its been a busy time! TheMasterOfTheUniverse was able to direct some of the guys into helping him, what a blessing that was!

JohnBoy brought his darling Kayla a boxer mix rescue, her theory is that love will wear the Bengal Brats down..

The Brats have varying opinions.. Tigger is oh well.. a dogs a dog..

Sir Woody borrows under the comforter on our bed any time the door is open.

SonnyBob is just no nonsense, I will Eat you Kayla if you come into mommas bedroom..
What a perfect ManCat on a Monday!

Kayla Visits

It amazes me how big a mad Bengal cats tail can get.. with those eyes….SonnyBob is spooky!
You notice SonnyBob is guarding Mommas bears, just in case that evil DOG gets ideas….

SonnyBob poofys tail

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