Nov 04 2006
On the evening of Oct 16, my hubby TheMasterOfTheUniverse saved my life . He preformed CPR until the EMT’S arrived.
my heart stopped.
I was what is called unresponsive…
I had not been feeling great since the back surgery, but our doctors felt it was medication issues, and missed a double pneumonia.
The blood clots in my left lung are what caused the breathing issues.
I was taken by ambulance to Ocala reg. hosp. where I was put on a ventilator because my lungs had collapsed. I was in the medical intensive care unit for 11 days.
Then moved to a medical floor where I was slowly weaned off of oxygen , and where my blood was thinned with heparin, and a stable level of cumadin was established.
I am so thankful for all of the prayers that have been offered up..
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