Oct 10 2006
Pain and Healing
My friend the Random Yak injured his wrist.
This may not seem like much to some; however the Yak was having a darn hard time with it.( says the Yak: I’d pretty much tossed out the old cheerful Yak in favor of my new role as the Guardian of the Shoulder-Dwelling Black Dog.)
I, being immersed in my own self pity party inquired if the Yak was ok, and then didn’t respond further. I feel bad about that amongst other things.
My hubby, who I lovingly refer to as TheMasterOfTheUniverse has exhibited the patience of Job with me. I have struck out at friends who expected me to have a sense of humor and were hurt when I stuck back at them. He has defended me, mentioning morphine, bad dreams, and pain.
I have in short behaved badly.
Remember Job? He was the only one to have been found to be righteous in the eyes of God. After much testing and trials, sitting in the dirt, scratching at boils, Job’s loving wife came to him and said curse God and die.
She was pretty obviously over it. Job did not by the way.
The wonderful thing about being Christians is that we can go to our God, humble ourselves and name the sins. This is called confession.
God because he loves us is very clear about our standing with him.
As far as the east is from the west,
So far has He removed our transgressions from us.
Just as a father has compassion on his children,
So the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him.
And thanks no, I’m not even going to share how pleasant it been.
But each day gets a bit better. And I am helped to focus by being blessed with friends
Like the Random Yak.