May 22 2006
What law and who the hell cares?
What happened?
When did these papers sell out America?
And really do we give a damn?
The New York Times, the Washington post gives away government secrets
and that’s supposed to be ok, because they Report the News:
(carefully I am ) not forgetting the First Amendment.
Really if Mexican citizens can disregard the law, why shouldn’t they
be able to?
After all the law is only enforced where we want right?
So what if a few more Americans die, they are only dying so you have
the freedom do what you damn well want to after all…What’s a little
blood between Americans?
These puissant reporters believe they are above the law.
Guess what? Our Attorney general.. Speculates they aren’t. I laughed
so hard, I cried. We have immigration laws on the books that we don’t
enforce because they are not convenient, and I’m supposed to care
about a few traitors?
“We have an obligation to enforce those laws. We have an obligation
to ensure that our national security is protected.”
Really and that will be when?
The Senate is poised to pass *S. 2611* this week, the giant amnesty
bill that would change the demographics of our country and start us on the
slide into rampant crime, drug culture, and third world poverty. *Every
thinking American is needed at this moment to phone, fax, or visit their United
States Senators and oppose this legislation.*
And you want to commit treason, well why not. I mean if laws can be
bent, for 12-20 million illegal immigrants why shouldn’t you profit
on the backs of more American blood?
After all no one likes the war. But really can you imagine in your
wildest dreams Walter Cronkite doing anything to hurt America?
Frickin hell no.. He was America emboldened.
The 1917 Espionage Act, which makes it a crime for an unauthorized
person to receive national defense information and to transmit it to
It used to be called treason.
The penalty was death.. yours not our brave American hero’s or a bonus from the newspaper.
Or the TV from benefitting from TV points.
Death for treason against the people of the United States Of America.
**This was a production of
The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to
participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards,
email the coalition and
let me know at what level you would like to participate.