Apr 29 2006

Profile Image of pet

An Adventure

Posted at 11:48 am under Florida, Life

There are some major changes afoot in our Lives.
We have placed our house for sale, and we are
stark raving crazy feeling pretty excited about the change.
We are shopping for a boat.. Not just a boat, A Big boat, a cruiser.
The Master of the Universe The ships Master has some definite requirements about engines, generators, silly man..

What’s important is space for our critters, and a decent kitchen Galley…See I’m learning.
Actually, we have both done a fair amount of sailing..
And we both have always wanted a GREAT ADVENTURE
So.. we have taken the first smalls steps…..

Bear with me in the coming weeks as I share the ups and downs of
Moving onto a boat..err ship.. whatever!
Hawkins has a new home coming soon, he is going to be a companion pony for some retired race horses..He’s so bossy he will be in pony heaven..

MissSnot and Tigger will be fine, BuddyTheDog will adapt.. Cause he is so mellow..
BlackJackTheBlackLab concerns us.

We may have to take R’s offer of adoption for him..
We plan to take the dogs aboard one at a time, to see how they handle boating.
Our vet has told us some dogs get seasick.
So time and patience will tell

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