
It seems that, the more I do, the more I find to do..
Which is not a bad thing. It simply frustrates me.
Tonight I sat under the oaks and watched the dogs and Hawkins the mini horse playing together. They are so bold, but not once did I see a serious, threat to kick or bite..
The early roses are in bloom and the whole place smells heavenly..
Red roses in front garden.
Pink Climbers on house.

My friend Renee, who writes the blog at deployed family support is a new blogger. Still a bit nervous about this whole blogging thing..
She is a very dedicated and lovely lady!
She has for the last 2 years been really involved with troop support, in a myriad of ways.
She is now accepting names for troop family support..That can be , immediate family, or just friends, significant others.. yoall know..
If yoall have some names drop by her web site , and leave a comment, or
drop me a email and I will pass it on..

BlackJack TheBlackLab, took a trip yesterday, he must have sensed
that something was up, because he is in the car or truck like a shot usually.
I had to put the choke training collar on him to get him to the car.
Then had to lift him, yelping and struggling into the car.
What fun.
8 am, hot and sweating already.
Arrived at drop your money pit black hole the vets, and handed the leash to the vet tech, who asked a bunch of silly questions, about shots and such.
I gently reminded her that they had given every shot known to man already to the poor quivering beast. She opened his record folder and said .. Oh Yes we have.
Pick up time is 3:30. We can reach you at..400 sets of phone numbers later..
BlackJack was glad to come home, neutered and sore..